A Good Hobby is Hard to Find

Now that the election is over I’m finding myself with more free time. A lot more free time. Lately, instead of spending all my time frantically poring over the political web for the latest news, I’ve been just sort of sitting around a bunch. I don’t think that’s very healthy, so I’m looking for a new hobby. However, due to the financial crisis, my new hobby needs to be mostly free.

It’s hard to think of things to do that are free. I could go to the public library and get some books. Reading is mostly good for a person, I think. But it’s not really a hobby. Besides, I will do that anyway, and I don’t want to wear my eyeballs out.

I could paint or sculpt… but supplies tend to be expensive.

I could whittle. That’s cheap… all I’d need would be a knife (which I have) and some hunks of wood (which I can get). The downside is that I would probably slice up my thumbs all the time. Plus, I don’t think there’s much of a market for bloody hunks of wood that vaguely resemble cocker spaniels. I could be wrong about that.

I could blog some more. But blogging is sort of like work, isn’t it? It feels that way to me.

If you have any suggestions for me please share them.